If angels could be jealous of men, they would be so for one reason: Holy Communion.
-- St. Maximilian Kolbe
In the Eucharist, Jesus gives Himself entirely to us, as we receive His Body and Blood. Through receiving Jesus’ Body, we become more closely united to Him.
Gluten-free hosts are available upon request before Mass.
If an individual is a child/youth in grades 1 through 11, First Eucharist is a two-year process. The child must be baptized, enrolled in Faith Formation classes for two consecurtive years, and complete all requirements of the program in which the child is enrolled before receiving the Sacarment of Eucharist.
If an individual is an adult (18 years or older), preparation for First Eucharist takes place within the RCIA (Rites of Christian Initation for Adults) process. For more information on RCIA, go to our Become a Catholic - RCIA page.